Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Apple scrambled egg

Apple scrambled egg

Ok... so i know what you're probably thinking, egg whites and apple... gross! but trust me, its actually pretty good, surprised me too!

What you'll need: (serves one)
1/2 cup egg whites or 3 egg whites
1 green apple diced
1 tablespoon of flax seed meal
3/4 cup of greek yogurt
Cacao nibs (optional, u can use chocolate chips too)
shredded coconut
coconut oil
*optional P2B (powdered peanut butter, or u can use natural peanut butter, but add a little water to it to make like a sauce

What to do:
Heat up a small non stick frying pan with a small amount of coconut oil, add the diced apple to let it start to soften. Blend the egg whites, cinnamon and flax seed until it starts to go frothy and thickens, then pour over the apples. Allow the egg whites to start to cook, once it starts to go white, start moving the mixture about the pan like you would when making normal scrambled eggs. Once the egg whiles are all cooked, put the apple and eggs into a bowl, top it with greek yogurt, shredded coconut, cacao nibs, and runny peanut butter.
Really easy and quick breakfast.... plus it tastes yummy! :)

 Enjoy! ❤❤

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