Thursday, 27 June 2013

Best muesli ever...

Best Muesli Ever...
Have you ever thought of a muesli without grains, oats etc... you must try this recipe out! its my new take on the old fashioned muesli, its fresh and delicious and really quick to make! :)

What you'll need:
1 green apple chopped roughly
4 strawberries chopped roughly
1 tablespoon of flaxseed meal
1 teaspoon of cacao nibs
shredded coconut

What to do:
In a food processor or blender cambine all the ingriediests until they are all chopped and mixed together. Be careful tro not over blend so it becomes like a paste. once combined take mixture out and serve with some greek yogurt.... delish!

p.s. you could substitute the apple and strawberries with any fruit u like, and u can add nuts and seeds, pretty much what ever you fancy! .... enjoy! :)

I mixed the yogurt into my muesli, so creamy and delicious! :p

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Baked sweet potatoes

Baked Sweet Potatoes

For the long weekend i invited my parents and brother over for dinner and i cooked up a smashing meal! I pretty much made up my recipie for my baked sweet potatoes as i went, threw in a bit of this and a bit of that and they turned out pretty darn good! so i thought i would share :)

What you'll need:
1-2 large sweet potaotes (depending on how many people you are serving, i used one really large potato for 5 people)
half a cauliflower
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
2 teaspoons ground coriander
2 teaspoons ground cummin
2 teaspoons onion powder
2 teaspoons of smokey paprika
salt and pepper
2 tablespoons of olive oil (EVO is best)

What to do:
 Pre- heat the oven to 180. I used a  mandolin to cut my potatoes thinly but if u don't have one, u can just use a knife to cut thin slices, roughly chop the cauliflower and add both veggies to a large baking tray. Add all of the spices and garlic and olive oil and toss through, making sure each piece if coated. Bake for about 30 - 45 mins tossing the veggies around every 10mins of so. Take out once they are golden and cooked.

i served mine with baked salmon and broccolini, it was delicious! :)

Friday, 7 June 2013

Spinach dip

Spinach dip

What you'll need:
1 cup of cottage cheese
1 tablespoon of tahini paste
2 handfuls of baby spinach
1/4 or a red onion
squeeze of lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon of  ground coriander, cumin and smoked paprika
salt and pepper to taste

assortment of dipping ingredients, i used carrot, celery and red capsicum :)

What to do:
Using a blender (i used a stick blender) combine all of the ingredients and blend away! Its as easy as that! A great idea to take to a party or BBQ, everyone will love it! xx

Banana Scramble

Banana Scramble

What you'll need: 
1/2 cup of egg whites
1 banana
2tablespoons of P2B (powdered peanut butter) or natural peanut butter
1 tsp chia bran or chia seeds
2 tablespoons coconut chips or shredded
1 tsp cacao nibs
3/4 cup of greek yogurt
coconut oil

What to do:
Heat up a non-stick pan with a little coconut oil. Using a blender, combine the banana and egg whites and blend until smooth and the egg whites have started to whip up. Pour the mixture into the pan and let if cook for a few minutes, then flip, you may be able to flip the mixture in one piece like a pancake, (which is what i tried to do) but if it doesnt flip in one go, then flip what you can and cook like scrambled eggs.
Once cooked, put it in a bowl and cover with peanut butter, yogurt, chia, cacao and coconut and enjoy! :)